Viking Heroes 4 Collector's Edition

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Viking Heroes 4 Collector's Edition

Join the Vikings as they race against the clock to preserve the world from eternal darkness.

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  • What's Free - Play game for 60 minutes.
  • File Size - 362 MB
  • Play It On - Windows 7 or better


Game Description

Join the Viking gods and heroes as they race against the clock to save the world from eternal darkness. The Vikings must journey across realms to build a new and magical chain that can trap Fenrir, the enormous wolf, as the sun and moon falter and Fenrir, the giant wolf, threatens to swallow them. The voyage, however, will not be simple since they will confront terrible opponents, including Fenrir's sons, nasty forces that will be watching their every step. They will start on a mission of action and adventure across numerous worlds with the assistance of the gods to restore light to the planet. Even after they have captured Fenrir, the Vikings must decide whether to show pity or punish the beast for his misdeeds.


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Viking Heroes 4 Collector's Edition - Screen 1 Viking Heroes 4 Collector's Edition - Screen 2

Fast Facts

  1. 50 captivating levels
  2. Three difficulty modes: Easy, Normal and Hard
  3. A wide range of achievements
  4. Exciting mini-games
  5. Intuitive gameplay with simple mouse actions

    Collector's Edition Features:
  6. 10 bonus levels
  7. Downloadable soundtrack
  8. Colorful wallpapers
  9. Step-by-step gameplay guide
  10. Collectible owls

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