New Lands 2 Collector's Edition

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New Lands 2 Collector's Edition

Discover what it's like to be a farmer and a confectioner in New Lands 2 Collector's Edition

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  • What's Free - Play game for 60 minutes.
  • File Size - 410 MB
  • Play It On - Windows 7 or better


Game Description

Discover what it's like to be a farmer and a confectioner. Plant cocoa trees, construct mills, and construct squirrel housing. Make your own farmhouse decor. The more you explore the different regions, the more diversified your duties get and the more difficult they become to fulfil. Work your new lands and become the finest sweet treat maker in the area!


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New Lands 2 Collector's Edition - Screen 1 New Lands 2 Collector's Edition - Screen 2

Fast Facts

  1. beautiful scenery zones
  2. a pleasant tale
  3. a range of activities
  4. fantastic accomplishments
  5. thrilling gameplay
  6. stunning visuals
  7. relaxing music

    Collector's Edition Features:
  8. additional levels
  9. trophies
  10. strategy guide
  11. concept art &music tracks

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