Julie's Sweets

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Julie's Sweets

Grow your skills to make your life a sweet adventure

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  • What's Free - Play game for 60 minutes.
  • File Size - 180 MB
  • Play It On - Windows 7 or better


Game Description

We've all been there, a teenager at the crossroads of life - which way to go? Help family business, chase college diploma or crazily fall in love? Why not all at the same time? Julie faces these questions in a thrilling story where she's questioning her self confidence, her values and is it all worth the effort? Of course it is and Julie finds all the answers in her own way while enrolling at a prestigious cooking school 'Le Cookery'. Will she make it, and most importantly, how can you help her?


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Julie's Sweets - Screen 1 Julie's Sweets - Screen 2

Fast Facts

  1. Play your way through 60 story levels plus 18 challenge levels
  2. Help Julie to enroll to prestigious cooking school 'Le Cookery' and master the craft of making sweets
  3. Earn hearts and build collection of essential cooking and baking tools to create wonderful sweets
  4. Take in six fun locations including Julie's old family bakery and French Patisserie
  5. Help Julie to discover why she shouldn't compare her insides with someone else's outsides

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