Dr. Mal Practice of Horror

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Dr. Mal Practice of Horror

Wacky patients gather in your waiting room

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Game Description

In a run-down part of Oldtown, Dr Mal's surgery is open for business. Brace yourself for the graveyard shift as a range of weird and wacky patients gather in your waiting room. Featuring awesome graphics and bizarre patients with even more bizarre and wacky ailments, this is undoubtedly the most insane game of solitaire you're likely to play! Using all of Mal's medical prowess, can you help to diagnose them all of his patients before sunrise in this wacky solitaire game?


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Dr. Mal Practice of Horror - Screen 1 Dr. Mal Practice of Horror - Screen 2

Fast Facts

  1. Gorgeous animated cartoon graphics
  2. 50 wacky patients with hilarious ailments to diagnose
  3. Collect trinkets from each patient
  4. The craziest game of solitaire you'll ever play!

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