Art Coloring 18

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Art Coloring 18

Create amazing works of art to succeed as an artist! with Art Coloring 18

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  • What's Free - Play game for 60 minutes.
  • File Size - 315 MB
  • Play It On - Windows 7 or better


Game Description

Painting games are not all that art coloring is! It is an entire world of wonderful paintings, elegant curves and bright colours. Right now, only your desire will suffice to make you a creator! Choose the color, determine the appropriate number, and splash vibrant paint all over the picture. Additionally, you can now select your preferred coloring method from areas or pixels. Create amazing works of art to succeed as an artist!


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Art Coloring 18 - Screen 1 Art Coloring 18 - Screen 2

Fast Facts

  1. 64 vibrant art paintings.
  2. 64 vibrant pixel paintings.
  3. Choose a coloring style: numbered area coloring or pixel painting.
  4. Alter between textured and flat coloring.
  5. Enjoy yourself to the fullest!

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