Team up with the forest's occupants to save the forest from robots
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Game Description
Team up with the forest's occupants to save the forest from robotWolf Hero is a role-playing game with simulation aspects in which you must team up with the forest's residents to save it from robots. You can have children, bring animals into your pack, cast spells, develop your character's abilities, seek for valuables and dig up riches, fight robot squads and their bosses, complete missions and earn achievements, wear cool skins, and much more!
FAMILY PACK: You are assigned a partner as soon as the game begins. At level 10, you will be able to have your first child. Each member of your pack is an active participant in the conflict, capable of both attacking and distracting the attackers.
SKINS: The game has several wolf breeds, including Eurasian, Siberian, Jackal, Canadian, Polar, Ethiopian, and Tasmanian wolves. Dog breeds: dingo and hyena. Exclusive costumes include shaman, king, woodland ninja, druid, wizard, knight, and bard. Skins can be changed for any pack member.
FOREST RESIDENTS: There are animals on the island hunting for food, and some of them are fighting robots. If you aid the forest dwellers, they will help you. For example, if you bring a desirable type of food to a resident, it will become part of the pack. Animal types include hare, capercaillie, wolverine, fox, lynx, boar, deer, and bear. Each buddy will provide your pack a unique bonus.
SPELL SCROLLING: There are spell scrolls spread across the woodland. These can be light wings that increase your running speed or fireballs that whirl around the character and hit multiple robots at once. There is also an ice barrier, healing, and strong lightning. The more scrolls containing a specific spell you collect, the stronger it will get.
ROBOTS AND BATTLE: Robots are continually evolving, becoming stronger and changing in appearance. They patrol the woodland in squadrons. The game includes stun and critical hit elements. And if you approach the attacker from behind, you will land a stealthy strike with greater damage.
TALENTS: Each time you level up, you will be able to select one of two talents. Talents include increased health or damage, the ability to jump out of water, a short stun when struck by lightning, and a super jump when a capercaillie is present in the flock, among others. In total, the game contains approximately 50 talents.
EXPLORATION: The game takes place on a large island in the midst of a lake. There are cliffs, caves, wastelands, wetlands, streams, and rivers to swim through! Scrolls, cash, treasure boxes, gold keys, and piles to dig up are among the valuable items concealed around the forest.
QUESTIONS: The game includes quests and tons of achievements.