You'll need to adapt to the new world if you want to survive!
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Game Description
In the future, when the polar ice caps melt, the continents will gradually be submerged by the ocean and divided into diverse islands.
The surviving must adjust to this new world. Island World
Drifting on the water in an escape raft, you wash up on a barren island and begin your survival journey there.
Gather berries to fill your ravenous stomach.
Collect sticks and stones to create the most primitive stone axe.
Kill the attacking boar and use the flesh as food for the next two days.
It's approaching dark, so hurry up and fell some trees to construct planks for your first shelter. Anyway, get through the long night first.
The next day, you travel the island looking for basic survival supplies.
Standing on the beach, with other desolate islands visible in the distance, you decide to set sail and try your luck.
There may be other survivors out there, but will you live in harmony or harm one another?