Deliver products to the sweet inhabitants of Prism while battling through treacherous enemy infested routes!
(Android - For most Android based phones and tablets.
See download page for specific requirements.)
(iOS - For most iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
See download page for specific requirements.)
Game Description
Transform into fascinating personalities with their own passions and conflicts as you traverse perilous pathways. Form unique connections and cherishable memories with the Prism sweethearts. As you go on your adventure, immerse yourself in this fantastical world and try to have even a small impact on the people you meet and the places you visit.
Delivery and Become a Postknight
- Start off on your quest as a Postknight Trainee with little experience.
- To become a Postknight, you must pass tests and complete delivery quests.
- Ascend the ranks to the position of S Rank Postknight, the highest level.
Investigate Prism and Build Relationships
- Experience the cultures and conflicts of the various lands of Prism, from villages to cities, enchanted forests to frigid mountains.
- Get to know a variety of people, each with a unique struggle and passion story.
- Exchange presents and develop relationships with specific particular people.
Try New Things and Customize Your Playstyle
- Bring three skills into battle: attack, defend, and recover.
- Modify your skills when using various weapon types.
- Combination Skills with the adaptable Sword and Shield.
- Master your reflexes and speed by dual wielding daggers.
- Use the two handed Hammer to strategically plan and time powerful attacks.
- Develop your own playstyles and further hone your Abilities with various attributes!
Gather and Improve Everything
- Battle foes and use their stuff as tools for crafting and trading.
- Upgrade your equipment to the most powerful and eye catching versions possible.
- Gather every artifact, piece of armor, weapon, and memory from the Prism universe.