Experience the Entire Star Wars Story Envisioned as a LEGO Universe!
(iOS - For most iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
See download page for specific requirements.)
Game Description
Long Ago, In a Galaxy Made Entirely Out of LEGO Bricks
The heroic forces of the Light Side are under attack by the insidious forces of the Dark Side. Only a Jedi master has what it takes to control the Force and restore balance to the universe.
In LEGO Star Wars, you will play through the entire Star Wars saga from start to finish. Follow Anakin's journey from an innocent young boy to a ruthless Sith master, ride in the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and Chewbacca, and fight countless battles with a lightsaber in your hand.
All of this will be accomplished not with the larger-than-life heroes as you know them, but in a version of Star Wars that has been carefully constructed out of LEGO bricks and populated by the iconic LEGO people!
Use the Force and Other Stuff!
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga is an action-packed game that runs you through all six films in a compact and lighthearted form. Take control of LEGO versions of your favorite heroes, battle the classic enemies, and solve dozens of environmental puzzles in your quest to defeat the Dark Side!
- Complete over 30 challenging levels.
- Replay all the iconic scenes from the movies. Compete in the podrace on Tatooine, escape from the Death Star's trash compactor, clash lightsabers with Darth Vader, and more!
- Collect LEGO studs. Use them to purchase and unlock all sorts of new goodies as you progress.
- Use the Force to manipulate objects, rearrange the scenery, and bash your enemies from afar.
- Disassemble your foes with blasters, lightsabers and more.
- Fight classic Star Wars baddies, from Federation droids to Imperial Stormtroopers.
- Play with touchscreen controls or attach a gamepad for a more classic experience.
Take Part in Even More Adventures
There's more content to enjoy than just the movies. LEGO Star Wars includes a host of other levels to play through, cool stuff to unlock, and challenges to tackle.
- Complete 20 unique Bounty Hunter missions. Capture key Republic figures for Jabba the Hutt.
- Collect 200 gold bricks scattered all across the game to unlock a special surprise.
- Put your combat skills to the test in the arena-like Arcade levels.
- And more!
Play with Your Favorite Characters
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga hosts a roster of over 100 characters from both trilogies. You'll unlock more and more of them as you play the game, and will have the ability to switch between them on the fly! Some of the heroes and villains you'll be playing as include:
- Qui-Gon Jin
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Luke Skywalker
- Han Solo
- Boba Fett
- C-3PO
- Princess Leia
- Watto
- Yoda
- Darth Vader
- Emperor Palpatine
- And much more!
May the Force Be with You!
The Force has always been strong with the LEGO Star Wars series, and it continues to be strong with this mobile edition of the beloved crossover. The game is filled with a metric ton of content to complete, there's a lot of humor to be had alongside the affectionate nods to the Star Wars universe, and the LEGO environments are fun to explore, destroy and fight in. Fans of Star Wars must not miss this classic, nor should anyone looking for a fun action game that can be picked up and played anytime and anywhere.
Grab a lightsaber, make sure your hat is firmly embedded into your head stud, and get ready for the ride of your life with LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga!