How many more dumb ways can you die?
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See download page for specific requirements.)
(iOS - For most iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
See download page for specific requirements.)
Game Description
The game Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games has become a worldwide phenomenon, debuting at the top of the charts in 83 nations with 75 million downloads and more than 1.2 billion unique plays to date.
Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games, which has all new stages and challenges, leaderboards, and a cast of new characters, is (in our own wholly biased opinion) the best sequel to anything, ever.
The best part is that after the game's release, over 65 million individuals vowed to avoid trains. In a funny and enjoyable manner, Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games spreads the train safety message to the world.